Friday 18 September 2015


Hi there. Nice to meet you. 

My name is Siobhan, I’m a 20 year old girl living in Manchester with my beautiful girlfriend. Living in the modern world can get hard sometimes. Everything gets so saturated and distracted, and sometimes you don’t know where to go or how to catalogue your thoughts and feelings. This is something I have always struggled with. I’ve wanted to make a blog to share my thoughts on things I like, and for a platform to share crafts, photos and things I write, but I’ve never had the courage. I always told myself that there were too many great bloggers out there and that I would never amount to them. And I probably won’t, but recently, I’ve begun wondering why it matters to be the best. If this blog can represent me, and how I am feeling, then that’s all that matters. And, maybe, if I’m very lucky, someone will read it and like what they see, and perhaps even be inspired to create something themselves. So, if you’re reading this, and you like it, stick around. Let’s have a chat. If this isn’t your thing, I hope you have a lovely day.