Saturday 13 February 2016


I think new years eve might be my favourite holiday. I almost look forward to it more than I do Christmas. I’m not a big drinker, and I don’t even really like staying up late, but there is something about the idea of new beginnings and a new year that really appeals to me.
I always make new years resolutions, but I rarely go through with them. I have a tendency to give myself impossible tasks (exercise for an hour every day, never go to bed early, become a superhero) and as usual, when I start to waver, I get discouraged and give up entirely. This year, I’m trying to be a little more easy on myself. And if I fail at first, I won’t give up.

I think one of the key tips for making new years resolutions is to be specific. Instead of ‘get fit’ my goal is to run the Manchester 10k in May. Rather than ‘read loads’, my goal is to read and review 12 books. 

To be honest, I don’t really like the term resolution. To me, it seems to indicate failure if I don’t complete it. I prefer to call them goals. Because, even if a goal isn’t reach, it doesn’t mean that the whole attempt was pointless. 

So, without further ado, here are my goals for 2016:
  • Finish my degree
  • Be positive: Each day, think of three things that I enjoyed or accomplished.
  • Run the Manchester 10k in May
  • Read and review 12 books
  • Review 12 films
  • Publish a blog post or youtube video every month
  • Get my drivers licence

This seems like quite a bit when you look at it all together, but in comparison to my usual goals, this seems much more achievable for me. 

So far, things have gone well. I’ve struggled a little with the blogging, but I know I’ll get there. 

Ann-Marie and I went for a walk on new years day. We walked along the canal outside our apartment, and then stopped for a tea on our way home. We hadn’t been out drinking the night before, but it still felt like we were hungover. I think maybe the city falls under a giant blanket of hangover on new years day. Almost as if the universe is demanding we stay inside and watch movies all day. But, we decided to brave the outside, and even though I had a bit of a cold, it was nice to go for a walk as a change. 

Until next time, 