Wednesday 3 August 2016

Film Review: Finding Dory

So, last week, I finally got around to watching Finding Dory. I know, I know, I’m so late to the game, but in my Defence, it was released far later in the UK. Ann-Marie and I had been so excited to see it, so we got up early to go to a morning screening on the day it came out over here.

And, all in all, it was positive. If you’re looking for something that will blow you away in comparison to Finding Nemo, you’ll be disappointed, but if you’re just looking for a pleasant watch with some great characters, watch it as soon as you can. Because, honestly, that’s the best way to describe this film: pleasant.

In terms of plot, it really is just Finding Nemo in a new setting. Nonetheless, I think it’s a nice story, with some well chosen voices and another fantastic performance from Ellen DeGeneres. 

3.5 stars

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