Tuesday 28 June 2016


Waking up on Friday morning was difficult. It was difficult because it felt like this structure of unity and hope that we had all spent so much time building just came crashing down on top of us. It felt as if everything we stand for as young, hopeful individuals had just been shot down, shattered on the floor in front of us. 

On Thursday, the older generation of the United Kingdom decided a future for the younger generation. On Thursday, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. We voted for a future of uncertainty, isolationism and nationalism. None of which the younger generation signed up for. 

But, clearly, someone signed up for it. As much as I do not understand it, this is something that many people want. This is something that many people feel strongly about. We could complain and argue and rage until our blood is boiling and our knuckles are raw, but that will only deepen the divide within the country. 

The UK is an amazing place to be. I have only lived here for three years, but I love it. I am so privileged to live in this country, where education, healthcare and resources are readily available. I live in a country where I can have any career that I want and marry anyone that I want and say anything that I want. I live in a country that is so diverse and rich in cultures and opinions. It is a country of infinite possibility and growth. 

So, although I will never understand nationalism or isolationism, I feel now more than ever that we must put our anger and fear behind us. We should unite, and share our openmindedness. An openmindedness that will cross borders, race, gender and sexuality. I know we can do that. I know we can overcome this.

I just hope others will feel the same.

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