Wednesday 3 August 2016

Film Review: Finding Dory

So, last week, I finally got around to watching Finding Dory. I know, I know, I’m so late to the game, but in my Defence, it was released far later in the UK. Ann-Marie and I had been so excited to see it, so we got up early to go to a morning screening on the day it came out over here.

And, all in all, it was positive. If you’re looking for something that will blow you away in comparison to Finding Nemo, you’ll be disappointed, but if you’re just looking for a pleasant watch with some great characters, watch it as soon as you can. Because, honestly, that’s the best way to describe this film: pleasant.

In terms of plot, it really is just Finding Nemo in a new setting. Nonetheless, I think it’s a nice story, with some well chosen voices and another fantastic performance from Ellen DeGeneres. 

3.5 stars

Monday 1 August 2016

Monday Musings: On Graduating and Ignoring Baby Boomers

On the 19th of July, I graduated from University. It was a two sided day. On one hand, I was ecstatic for it all to be over. All of my hard work had accumulated in a first class honours degree, and I could now reap the rewards. It was a day full of friends and family and joy. But, on the other side of the coin, it was a scary day. It was the first day of the rest of my life. It was the first day to see if there really were any rewards to reap. It was the first day that I was sent out to fend for myself in the world.

Throughout my second semester, people (particularly those older than me) would ask me, “what are you going to do after university?” “What’s your plan?” “Where are you going to work?”. And I couldn’t answer. At least, I couldn’t answer with the response that they wanted. I had countless baby boomer after baby boomer asking me whether or not I had gotten a job in my field yet, but again and again, I had to tell them no.

I remember one time specifically, when I was at a family event, and a family member asked me if I had gotten a job yet. At that time, I had just started working at a call center (which turned out not to be for me, but that’s another story entirely), so, triumphantly I told her yes! I had a job that was regular and well paid. Yes, but is it in your field? she asked. It wasn’t. She sighed and told me I would find something soon, I just had to work a little harder.

That always seems to be the answer from the baby boomer generation, doesn’t it? “Oh, those millennials just need to work harder. They’re too lazy!”, they’ll shout from their couches. But it’s just not that easy anymore.

Once upon a time, people could walk into jobs straight after finishing university. They didn’t even need degrees for many jobs either. People could buy houses and live comfortably on small wages, but things have changed. The economy isn’t the way it used to be. 

Millennials are unique in that we have been brought up to be told that we are special and that we can accomplish anything. Therefore, we should do something amazing and meaningful with our lives. But, with a changing economy, meaningful jobs just aren’t as easy to come by. That’s not to say they’re impossible, but it’s also not something that will easily pay the bills. 

Since my graduation, I have been unemployed and thinking about what to do with my career. I tried working in a 9-5 office job, but it sucked away at my happiness every day. I tried working freelance, but it will take a lot of time before I could support myself with that. 

The best advice I can give is, just give yourself a break. If you have someone that can help to support you, or if you have savings, let yourself be unemployed for a while. Travel. Experience. This is the prime time to do it. If you have to work, don’t worry if you have to work a deadbeat job for a while to pay the bills. Don’t be embarrassed to work at a bar or a coffee shop. And, most importantly, never, ever let baby boomers tell you that you aren’t doing the right thing. Just smile at them, thank them, and ignore their advice. Nobody knows what is right for you but you. 

Friday 29 July 2016

I have written journals since I was eight years old. It has always been something therapeutic for me, as if I had my very own pocket therapist. Sometimes, what I was writing would be totally nonsensical, but I would still feel a weight lifted off my shoulders when I put pen to paper.

Throughout my teens, I wrote regularly. Some months, I would write every day, other months it would be more sporadic, but I would never go more than a week or so without writing an entry. But, after I came to uni, it all changed a little. Life got in the way. I had friends, and a nightlife, I met Ann-Marie. It wasn’t so easy to dedicate 20 minutes at night to writing in my journal. These days, I probably manage to write about once a month. And I miss it. 

I miss the relief that I would feel, I miss the way it helped me organize and process my thoughts. I miss being able to look back on how I felt about something last week and reflect on it maturely. 

So, this week, I want to challenge myself to get back to it. This week, I am going to write in my journal every day, and next week, I’ll get back to you and let you know how it went! 

If anyone out there has never tried journaling or used to but stopped, I highly encourage you to give it a try.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Film Review: Ghostbusters

I so wanted to love this movie. I wanted to prove wrong every man that had made the oh so compelling argument of “It’ll suck because women”. But I just didn’t. I didn’t hate this movie, as I know the aforementioned misogynists will, but I didn’t love it either.

I had so much hope for what I still think is a brilliant cast, but they just didn’t have loads to work with in terms of the script. The first half of the film was strong, but as the plot developed and the villain began to wreak havoc, the film seemed to loose its way somewhat. 

The cast worked well together, but there was no denying that the story lacked lustre. You would think that with years of hollywood films, writers would know better than to destroy a city and then solve the problem by just ‘reversing it’. But alas, it seems to be happening more and more (Fantastic Four, I’m looking at you).

And just to top it off, the amount of references to the original seemed almost insulting to the film itself. It was as if they lost faith in the concept half way through and made a feeble attempt at connecting with the audience by throwing in easter eggs every few minutes. I love an easter egg, but this was embarrassing. 

So, reluctantly, I give this film two stars. I’d really hoped for more.


Monday 25 July 2016

My Weekend: Relaxing in Heaton Park

Sometimes, it's important to take the day off. I've been worrying non-stop recently, and it can be hard to wind down. Any time I try to relax or do something for myself, the anxiety comes rolling in, and I can't concentrate on anything. I guess it just comes with being an unemployed graduate. I know that I should just be grateful that I was fortunate enough to graduate at all and I am grateful, I really am. But we all need a break sometimes.

This weekend, I managed to relax, even if it was just for a little bit. I went to Heaton Park with Ann-Marie and Nick. It wasn't particularly sunny, but it was warm. It was a chance to go out and not worry. I didn't even wear makeup. For once, I was able to let go a little.

 We played badminton. (Nick won - apparently he has a hidden talent.)

We went for a walk all around the park. It was amazing to get out of the city for a little while.

We got to look at some farm animals (including some very happy looking sleeping pigs - so cute!). Ann-Marie was really excited about it.

And I even got to pet a horse. 

It's so important to take a little time to yourself and stop worrying so much. What will be will be, and it doesn't help to agonise over every little detail of your life.

I hope your weekend was as good as mine.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Review: The Secret Life of Pets

This week, I took a couple hours away from my graduation preparations to go see The Secret Life of Pets. I’d been looking forward to seeing this film since I first saw the trailer, and despite mixed reviews, I am happy to say I was not disappointed. It kind of feels like a heartwarming mix between Homeward Bound and Toy Story, albeit with a somewhat forgettable plot line.

What the film lacks in story, however, it makes up for in character design and fantastic voice work. The cast was clearly chosen very carefully, with actors that children will find entertaining, and that adults will recognise and love. It’s the perfect summer movie, that I’m sure children and adults will love equally. 

The character design was just fantastic. For any pet owners, each animal displayed completely recognisable traits. I found myself thinking, ‘My pets do that!’ so many times during the film, making the characters relatable in an entirely new way. There were parts of the film that were a little lost on me, but other parts that made me laugh hysterically (i.e. every scene with Chloe) and overall, it was impossible not to like. I’d absolutely recommend this film if you just need something nice to watch on a summer night.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

My Love Affair with Animal Crossing

I am late to the party on this. I think I was afraid that if I started playing this game, I would never see daylight again. Perhaps I should have listened to my fears a little more before I gave in and bought the game. 

I am addicted. For the past week, all I have done is watch Modern Family (another thing I am late to) and play Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I have barely been outside, I have barely worked. But it has been worth it.

This game never ends. It has endless progression, which I love in a game, and is a life simulator of sorts. The world is adorable, the story is adorable, the game play is fun, and I look forward to turning on my DS every day. 

I won’t go too far into the description of the game, since it has been out for a good three years now, and I’m sure you’ve all heard plenty about it. But I’m sure there are plenty of you out there that can relate to me when I say I am completely obsessed with this game?

Have you ever become completely absorbed in a game like this?