Wednesday 6 July 2016

My Love Affair with Animal Crossing

I am late to the party on this. I think I was afraid that if I started playing this game, I would never see daylight again. Perhaps I should have listened to my fears a little more before I gave in and bought the game. 

I am addicted. For the past week, all I have done is watch Modern Family (another thing I am late to) and play Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I have barely been outside, I have barely worked. But it has been worth it.

This game never ends. It has endless progression, which I love in a game, and is a life simulator of sorts. The world is adorable, the story is adorable, the game play is fun, and I look forward to turning on my DS every day. 

I won’t go too far into the description of the game, since it has been out for a good three years now, and I’m sure you’ve all heard plenty about it. But I’m sure there are plenty of you out there that can relate to me when I say I am completely obsessed with this game?

Have you ever become completely absorbed in a game like this?

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