Friday 29 July 2016

I have written journals since I was eight years old. It has always been something therapeutic for me, as if I had my very own pocket therapist. Sometimes, what I was writing would be totally nonsensical, but I would still feel a weight lifted off my shoulders when I put pen to paper.

Throughout my teens, I wrote regularly. Some months, I would write every day, other months it would be more sporadic, but I would never go more than a week or so without writing an entry. But, after I came to uni, it all changed a little. Life got in the way. I had friends, and a nightlife, I met Ann-Marie. It wasn’t so easy to dedicate 20 minutes at night to writing in my journal. These days, I probably manage to write about once a month. And I miss it. 

I miss the relief that I would feel, I miss the way it helped me organize and process my thoughts. I miss being able to look back on how I felt about something last week and reflect on it maturely. 

So, this week, I want to challenge myself to get back to it. This week, I am going to write in my journal every day, and next week, I’ll get back to you and let you know how it went! 

If anyone out there has never tried journaling or used to but stopped, I highly encourage you to give it a try.

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