Wednesday 27 July 2016

Film Review: Ghostbusters

I so wanted to love this movie. I wanted to prove wrong every man that had made the oh so compelling argument of “It’ll suck because women”. But I just didn’t. I didn’t hate this movie, as I know the aforementioned misogynists will, but I didn’t love it either.

I had so much hope for what I still think is a brilliant cast, but they just didn’t have loads to work with in terms of the script. The first half of the film was strong, but as the plot developed and the villain began to wreak havoc, the film seemed to loose its way somewhat. 

The cast worked well together, but there was no denying that the story lacked lustre. You would think that with years of hollywood films, writers would know better than to destroy a city and then solve the problem by just ‘reversing it’. But alas, it seems to be happening more and more (Fantastic Four, I’m looking at you).

And just to top it off, the amount of references to the original seemed almost insulting to the film itself. It was as if they lost faith in the concept half way through and made a feeble attempt at connecting with the audience by throwing in easter eggs every few minutes. I love an easter egg, but this was embarrassing. 

So, reluctantly, I give this film two stars. I’d really hoped for more.


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