Friday 1 July 2016

June Favorites

I love summer. I always have. I love the sun, I love long days, I love listening to the birds and the smell of the air after rain. But, Living in Manchester during the summer has been hard. It's been terribly cold and wet. I can still feel the summer excitement, but it's not quite the same when the sun is nowhere to be found. 

Nonetheless, Ann-Marie and I have been making the best of it. We’ve been drinking tea (or cocktails) on our balcony, cuddling up in the apartment during thunderstorms and watching countless movies. Normally, the rain would be getting me down, but I know that we’ll get our fair share of sun when we go to California in August.

Despite the weather, I’ve managed to collect a few things that have been bringing me joy this month. So, without further ado, enjoy my June favorites.

My graduation dress
I only recently bought this dress, but I just can’t get enough of it. I haven’t worn it out yet, because I want the first real time I wear it to be my graduation, but that doesn’t stop me taking it out of the closet to admire it, or even wear it around the apartment.

I really wanted something sunny and bright, since I’ll be wearing the heavy dark robes over the top. And since orange is my favourite color, I just couldn’t resist this little number. When I graduate on the 19th of July, I’ll make a proper outfit and reflection post, so you can see the dress in its full glory.

Vasanti Brighten Up! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator
This stuff is amazing. I’m all about face scrubs, and sometimes I can overdo it a little, but this is really easy on my skin. I’ve been using it once every other day, and it has been giving me such a smooth complexion. It’s a little bit pricey, but it lasts really well. I got a small tube of it in my Birchbox in May, and I still haven’t used it all. I’d definitely recommend it if need something to give your skin a little more life.

Orange is the New Black
I watched the whole fourth season in one day, and oh man was it good. I wasn’t all that impressed with last season, but I am so glad I stuck with it despite that. Without spoiling anything, this season of the show really utilized some serious social commentary to drive the story forward, and it made me laugh and cry again and again. 

If you haven’t watched the show before, I would definitely recommend it. Regardless of who you are, there will be at least one character that you can identify with. If you haven’t seen this season yet, please just watch it, and when your heart is in pieces at the end, treat yourself to a nice bath and some TLC to put it back together.

The Girl on the Train
I read this book in a week, and I loved it. I won’t go into too much detail, as I’ve already reviewed the book on my blog here. But if you’re looking for something thrilling and absorbing, I’d highly recommend it.

Raspberry Mojitos

On the rare occasion that the sun is out, Ann-Marie and I have taken to making cocktails and relaxing on the balcony. One of my favourites to make have been these raspberry mojitos. You can find the recipe here. The raspberries add the perfect amount of sweetness to the bitter cocktail, and they honestly go down like fruit juice.

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